This mirror measures 42" x 97", and is composed of over 300 individual pieces. The ornate beveling is low iron float glass, ranging in thickness from 1/4" to 1/2", and then silvered.
It currently hangs in the showroom of GlassArt Design Inc. in Minneapolis, MN.
Close-up view of one of the clusters in the above mirror showing detail. Note the varying bevel widths and angles on each piece to bring life to the piece.

Two door panels measuring 16" x 84" each are done in all clear glasses of varying textures. The amber color is from the lighting in the room.
Private residence.
Close-up showing unique beveling in the leaves.
Measuring approximately 30"x48", this panel features bright bold colors, intermingled with clears to keep a lighter, more delicate feel.
Note: the flowers in the border are made of red on gold flashed glass, then sand blasted and fire polished to create petals of gold graduating to red.
Private residence.

Accent panels in stairway landing.

Den window looking out upon wooded lot.
Custom beveling and the wheel-cut "star bursts" in the corner circles.
Private residences.

Variations on kitchen cabinet doors.
Both are in private residences.
Simple yet elegant design complementing an accent color in the room.
Floral design in amber background.